Lyrical monasterio overtrigger
Lyrical monasterio overtrigger

lyrical monasterio overtrigger

  • All Your Powers Combined: Vairina Exspecta gains the total power of all its originalDress.
  • To now fulfill the wish that contains our prayers. Trickstar Forms: Trickstar/Vairina/Vairina Arcs/Vairina Valiente/Vairina Erger/Vairina Exspecta/Vairina Esperaridea/Jeweled Sword Equip, Garou Vairina/Brilliant Equip, Bram Vairina/Steel Wall Equip, Biruz Vairina Mahar Nirvana has a similar ability in that it grants 10000 Power to all of the front row units during the player's turn if they control a unit with the overDress ability.
  • Status Buff: Nirvana's second ability lets it increase the power of all units with the overDress keyword as well as its own by 10000 whenever it attacks in exchange for a counterblast.
  • The Power of the Sun: Although a Flame Dragon, Nirvana's power is more directly tied to the sun.
  • Nirvana Jheva even has Phoenix in its title.
  • The Phoenix: Nirvana's design incorporates elements of the phoenix, with feathered wings and an avian body, and its birth represents the rebirth of deities on Cray.
  • Physical God: It's an actual deity in spite of appearing just like a dragon, the first to appear on Cray since the Deity-less era began.
  • lyrical monasterio overtrigger

    Heroic Second Wind: Nirvana Jheva can counterblast one to stand a unit in the X-overDress state upon attacking.Feathered Dragons: Befitting its phoenix motif, Nirvana's wings are bird-like.

    lyrical monasterio overtrigger

    Dragons Are Divine: As its epithet above make it clear, Nirvana is a dragon that is divine in nature.Unfortunately, Bavsargra tried to force it to appear, which only worked temporarily and ended up making Nirvana fade away to the point where it needed to be reborn again as Nirvana Jaeva.

    #Lyrical monasterio overtrigger full

    Came Back Wrong: Mahar Nirvana is how Nirvana was supposed to properly awaken as a full deity, bringing hope to the world.Nirvana Jheva keeps the trend by being able to revive both a Trickstar and any Prayer Dragon unit. Animate Dead: Nirvana and its evolved form Mahar Nirvana have abilities that let them revive a grade 0 unit from the drop zone.Nirvana Jheva has its own ride line with a similar playstyle but instead supports the X-overDess ability and Prayer Dragons units. Nirvana's ride line focuses on supporting units with the overDress ability, such as Trickstar and its Vairina forms, by searching the necessary cards with Nirvana itself being able to revive a Grade 0 from the drop zone and give additional power to itself and any units with ther overDress keyword. Though still young, its birth has been awaited since ancient times and it has the potential to become an immensely powerful solar deity. The prayers reach the heaven, and the world selects the future.The divine dragon whose hatching from the Sunrise Egg heralded the dawn of the Chakrabarthi Divine Era. Nirvana Forms: Sunrise Egg/Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana/Chakrabarthi True Dragon, Mahar Nirvana/Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva Mutually Exclusive Power-Ups: The Left and Right Deity Arms keywords allow the player to equip Arms cards to the specified vanguard but they way they work is that a vanguard can be equipped with two different Arms cards but only if they have different keyword, otherwise the already-equipped Arms card will be sent to the drop zone to make room for the new one.In particular, the once lush wetlands is now christened the "Danger Zone" following Drachma's scorching of the land, with the "Musketeers of the Dust Storm" now having to monitor the region they've only ever known as a vast desert. Legend Fades to Myth: Due to the large gap of 3000 years since the event occured, to many in the Dragon Empire, Drachma's ravaging of the country has faded into legend.Heroic Second Wind: The additional effect of Dragveda, Dragon Empire's enables the vanguard to restand at no cost or disadvantage.Evolution Power-Up: Dragon Empire's overDress mechanic allows the player to stack a card with the eponymous ability on top of a specific unit to evolve it to a stronger form.The Empire: In the name, and the lack of change apparent in the Empire suggests that the Dragon Emperor is likely still its ruler.They also have access to the Left/Right Deity Arms keyword present on the Arms order cards which can be used to equip said cards to specific vanguards, providing new abilities. Using the overDress mechanic, Dragon Empire decks can evolve certain Units on the rear-guard into more powerful forms. Mechanically, Dragon Empire unsurprisingly retains its focus upon high Power columns and retiring the opponent's rear-guards, but with a new twist. At the Red Dawn Manor at the Empire's heart, a legendary dragon egg is tended by priestesses. The only nation to retain its name, Dragon Empire's borders are in constant flux, but its military might ensures that it remains safe and affluent regardless.

    Lyrical monasterio overtrigger