Little miss bimbo
Little miss bimbo

little miss bimbo

And why you may ask? Because as long as I, as her mom, explain to her that it is just a game & that for no reason in real life should you feel that she needs any of those things to make her more of a person, then why make a bigger deal of it?įinally, to all you immature individuals out there, just GROW UP!! I mean seriously what is it that you are accomplishing as an individual by arguing with other people OVER A GAME!!! We are taught as young children that people are different and part of being different entails that we may have different thoughts or beliefs on various issues.

little miss bimbo

I do have a daughter and regardless she may only be 9 months old, but if she were older and wanted to play on the site, I’m not going to forbid it. People need to grow up and get over the fact that “OH MY!! They allow you to have plastic surgery & boob jobs.” I mean seriously. If you have daughters or sons (yes there are guys on the site) that you don’t want to play the game because of what you may or may not think it correctly protrays to young PEOPLE, then don’t allow your children on the site. If you aren’t a member & don’t like the ideas you think it “promotes” then forget it exsists. First off, if you have registered to Miss Bimbo and don’t like it - simple, delete your account. Personally, I think you are all being just slightly rediculous. Stop complaining, it’s a made-up problem!


It’s harmless fun, and it’s more productive than sitting in front of a TV all day. I think if you have a problem with it, contact the website and complain, don’t write a blog about it, you’re only promoting the website. This is promoting healthy living, not anorexia. The website has taken down the diet pills, so now the only way to stay at the ideal weight of 127 lbs (probably twice the weight of Paris Hilton), you have to eat healthily. I really believe that if anything is going to influence kids, it’s peer pressure, not a stupid game. When I log on to Miss Bimbo, I know that my Logic will get better.Īlso, why is everyone making such a big fuss about the diet pills and breast surgery? On Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, you are encouraged to shoot innocent people, but I don’t see anyone here complaining about that (not that I’m complaining). It has mini games, including Sudoku and Mastermind, and you have to play these games to gain IQ, which is a vital part of the game. Why do people get so upset about this tiny game?Īnd Gretchen, I have actually learned a lot from playing on Miss Bimbo. Do you know what’s bad? Global Warming, War, Racism, etc. I am getting so, so fed up of people saying Miss Bimbo is bad. Not a small website that is really just making fun of people for being so serious. I consider womans rights in the middle east, racism, human rights issues to be a proper cause of concern, discussion, and most importantly, action. In fact, it is because of websites and regular appearances on tv shows etc criticizing the sites that they receive half of the attention and users in the first place! The creators of websites do not force this information and these ideas and morals upon children/teenagers, they simply exist, there for people who find them themselves and want to use them. Sure it’s a bit un-pc, but lets be honest here: parents of children and teenagers, especially these “young girls” cannot possibly find it completely impossible to monitor and control, at least to an extent, the sites which their children access, can they? Furthermore, it was not creating solely for the use of young girls, but rather anybody that cares to join!- Just as are most websites that receive the same types of criticism. They are obviously not made with the intention of influencing children into using diet pills etc etc.

little miss bimbo

This website, and others like it, are tongue in cheek. However, I really do think that yes, while people in society, such as the makers of miss bimbo do take things to an “extreme” that can be potentially harmful to younger, more impressionable people, other people tend to take things a tad too seriously. It should go without saying but, sadly, it often doesnt. Individuality, freedom to do or think whatever one wants these are extremely important things, things that everybody, whether they be women OR men of all races, religions etc, have the right to.

Little miss bimbo